Bonane Heritage Park

Dromagorteen Standing Stone

The final monument on the Bonane Heritage Trail is this rather small standing stone. It is less than a metre in height and approximately 1/2 a metre wide. The monolith leans towards the south and we believe it to be orientated in a east-west direction. A bit of a disappointing end to the Heritage Trail, but having said that a few of the other monuments here at Bonane more than make up for it. Without doubt the stone circle is the highlight of the heritage trail, followed by the ring fort.

Situated: Very easy. Located on the trail at Bonane Heritage Park close to the bullaun stone.

Discovery Map 85: V 9566 6550. Last visit July 2011.

Longitude: 9° 30' 50" W

Latitude: 51° 49' 56" N

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey and Deb Snelson.

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